Travel Oregon Governor's Conference on Tourism
Travel Oregon used Mega Scout Books with custom pages as the programs for their annual tourism conference. They included the daily schedule, a map of the venue, a list of sponsors/exhibitor contact information, and blank pages in the back for note-taking.
Project Specs

The team at Cooper Union cleverly designed their Scout Books to be pocket city guides for attendees of this annual typography conference in New York City. The pages included recommendations for coffee, food, drinks, and sightseeing near the venue. Bonus: the book's artwork was created by one of their design students!
Project Specs

B Corp Leadership Development PNW Conference
Nonprofit B Local PDX designed these Mega Scout Books to be both the program and notebook for their annual B Corp conference. The pages were printed in black ink and contained information on the keynote speakers and breakout sessions, along with a schedule and space for notes.
Project Specs

XOXO 2018
These Pocket Scout Books feature a custom teal ink on both the covers and pages, along with an imprint of black foil. XOXO is a conference and festival for creatives, and their team cleverly designed these books to have different information depending on how it's oriented. One side featured the schedule and speaker info for the conference, and when you flipped the book upside down, you'd find the festival listings.
Project Specs

PLA 2018
For their conference, the Public Library Association designed a pair of Scout Books! They used a larger Mega to contain the schedule, map, and daily writing prompts within the custom pages. The Pocket notebook had lined pages and was an additional souvenir and place to jot down takeaways from the event.