We enjoy collaborating with universities and colleges to print their innovative custom books. This year, we’ve had the privilege of working on an array of projects, each designed to enrich the educational experience for students. Discover the ways Scout Books can help through these unique projects!

Reed College
Aaron Percell designed a captivating book for the Reunions tradition at Reed College. This four-day gathering bridged past, present, and future Reedies, with opportunities to make meaningful connections. Each attendee was given this crafted booklet with a detailed schedule of daily activities and blank pages for “infinite possibilities”.
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Charter School Capital
Charter School Capital’s Values Guide outlines their overall mission/vision of serving charter schools and helping them create a thriving environment. Designed by Niki Blaker’s Five Sigma Studio, the booklet also has testimonials from previous schools they successfully assisted and space for people to jot down notes or inspiring ideas.
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University of Virginia
The UVA Engineering Career Development team offers their students a profound tool for defining their futures with intention. With the Career Journal, students clarify their goals, strategically plan, reflect, and more. With great care and dedication, each page aspires to nurture purpose-driven individuals who will shine brightly long after their time at UVA.
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Portland Community College
We’ve collaborated on several books with Portland Community College (PCC). But there’s something particularly special about this one. Designed for PCC’s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) department, the cover extends a multilingual “welcome” to all. Used during recruitment events and given to incoming PCC students, it’s a symbol of diversity, inclusion, and the power of education.
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Willamette University
Touring a college campus can be a magical yet daunting experience. Willamette University created a reassuring companion in the form of their “Remembering Your Visit” book. Designed by the university’s marketing team, each book poses questions to ask during a visit and reflective prompts to determine if Willamette is a good fit. A useful keepsake of a crucial moment in their lives!
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Oregon State University
One of Oregon’s largest public universities, OSU offers an abundance of options for graduate level studies in their College of Business. You can attend courses in Corvallis, online, or in Portland. Their custom notebook serves as a tool to welcome interested students, and helps promote the OSU MBA, PH.D in Business Administration, as well as their specialized Masters degrees in Finance, Financial Analytics, Market Insights and Analytics and Supply Chain Analytics.
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Baylor University
Located in Waco, Baylor University is the oldest continually operating university in Texas. Baylor welcomes students from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 90 countries to study a broad range of degrees. Incoming students are invited to attend Baylor Line Camp, which is an extended summer orientation experience. These notebooks help welcome students to Line Camp, where they can forge new friendships, and connect with the rich history and traditions of Baylor.
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We love sharing this group of higher education projects. If you have an idea in mind, we’d love to connect and create something special!