Case Studies

Horse & Hare DIY Scout Books
Horse & Hare

Horse & Hare letterpress prints DIY Scout Books using hand-carved wood or linoleum block stamps and their antique Chandler & Price press....

Alex DeSpain Scout Books
Handy Tips for Happy Plants

Our collaboration with illustrator Alex DeSpain is perfect for aspiring green thumbs and master plant whisperers alike. It features handy plant care tips, paired with Alex's lively illustrations....

PLA Mega Scout Books
PLA Conference

Portland author Kari Chapin and illustrator Hannah Lee teamed up to design these bright Mega Scout Books for the Public Library Association's 2016 conference in Denver, CO....

Ways We Work Scout Books
Ways We Work

This sharp digital publication takes readers into the work of people and brands doing what they love. These stories are brought to life by Toronto-based Amandah Wood and Matt Quinn....

Hello Happiness Co. Mega Scout Books
Together: A Letter Writing Journal

Hello Happiness Card Co. created Together: A Letter Writing Journal for People in Love, to inspire people to write more handwritten notes to loved ones....

Format Scout Books

Format is a self-funded tech company based in Toronto that provides an online portfolio platform for creatives around the globe. They designed custom Scout Books that they use as event giveaways and gifts for visitors to their headquarters....

Teach For America Scout Books
Teach For America

For their 25th Anniversary Summit, Teach For America created event programs using custom Mega Scout Books with bold custom inks on the cover and inside pages....

Fort George Brewery Scout Books
Fort George Brewery

Fort George Brewery is based in Astoria, Oregon. Their annual Festival of Dark Arts is a celebration of stouts, and this year they used custom Scout Books as guides to the event....

Dribbble Scout Books with gold foil

Online creative community Dribbble's custom Scout Books are always expertly designed, and this batch takes it to the next level with a pop of gold foil and snazzy black staples....

Lincoln Design Co. Scout Books
Lincoln Design Co.

Portland-based Lincoln Design Co. created a set of Pocket and Mega Scout Books featuring their sharp branding, which they used as giveaways for clients and friends....